Antígona Furiosa
Video Design and Direction by: Kelsie Kiley
A play by Griselda Gambaro
Directed by Sir Anton Juan
Video Design & Direction by:
Kelsie Kiley
Antígona Furiosa (1986) is a re-shaping and re-telling of the Antigone story. During an interview in 1998, Gambaro had this to say about her work: "I knew I was going to subvert Sophocles' idea, in that I was going to speak with the voices of so many women in my country who have done the exact same thing as Antigone, who disobeyed Creon's order and threw a handful of dirt over her brother's body, enough to uphold the tradition of an honorable burial for the dead. Antigone is every one of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo who have paid for their disobedience with their lives."
In a Brechtian fashion, videos were played on the stage, as well as on the actor's bodies. A highlight reel will be added soon, following the trailer.